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United Way Giving

If your company participates in the United Way Campaign, you can designate the Vasculitis Foundation (VF) as your recipient for United Way funds.

It’s simple to designate the Vasculitis Foundation as your recipient for United Way Funds.

Simply complete the appropriate form (provided by your employer or local United Way) with the following information:

Vasculitis Foundation
PO Box 28660
Kansas City, MO 64188
1.816.436.8211 or 1.800.277.9474
Fax: 1.816.656.3838

If you have questions or need assistance, contact your company’s United Way rep.

Thank you so much for investing in the mission of the Vasculitis Foundation! Your United Way donations will help drive advances in early diagnosis, treatments, provide free education and support to people affected by vasculitis. Thank you.

Reasons to Give

Other Ways to Give

Planned Giving

Explore other giving vehicles including stock gifts, bequests and more!

Host a Fundraiser

Want to make an even bigger difference? Create your own fundraising event!

Recurring Gifts

Set up a recurring donation to make a lasting impact.